Jesse Brickel, touring member of Chrome Sparks, has recently embarked on a solo project under the moniker Young Yeller.

Releasing his debut EP in 2011, Young Yeller’s sound has since come into being. Three singles (“War”, “1st Love”, and “I Walked”) have been released leading up to the release of Young Yeller’s self-titled EP, set to drop soon. The instrumentals are raw; the lyrics, honest. The singles have their own distinctive styles. “War” is filled with depth, as heard by the dense echoes and heavy drums. Brickel, in “1st Love”, explores an electronic, 80s-inspired sound. Finally, “I Walked” is almost reminiscent of a Sufjan Stevens ballad, featuring unusual instrumentals working in harmony with electric undertones. Despite the differences amongst his singles, they are connected by Brickel’s impressive vocals. Young Yeller is exploring different facets of the musical spectrum, which will make it exciting to discover what he has store for his upcoming LP.

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