I’ve been enthralled by Marika Hackman for quite sometime now. Her lyrical ability sets her above and beyond many other singer-songwriters out there at the moment, and with every new track she releases, I find myself nestled in her worlds, attempting to unravel the meaning. It’s a talent she shares with Joanna Newsom, an artist who I imagine Hackman has drawn much inspiration from.

’81, which Hackman has covered for her new EP Sugar Blind, was originally released on Newsom’s 2010 LP Have One On Me. It’s a short and sweet song, and although I usually think it’s a difficult job for another artist to cover Newsom’s songs, Hackman gives this song the respect it deserves, while adding her own mark to it. Her voice sounds fresh and strong, and the production of the track adds a feeling of English country gardens and blistering winter days. Couldn’t be a better time to release it then.

Sugar Blind is released on December 9th on Dirty Hit.

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