Working with a kind of Derridian aura, Bath Based artist Elly Chapman, is constantly attempting to understand the process of recollection.

Showing us her own creation of the past, existing in a new state within the present. Creating a poetic physicality for the haunting nature of what we recall.

Stemming from an interest in mental distortion of information in our surroundings and the manner in which we absorb visual material is a huge part of the narrative within the work. We are instantly entwined with our individual experience and preconception of the physical   space created by Chapman; a mutated and personal debris of the moments’ former existence.

Creating both beautiful dream like drawings and installations from her blindly drawn recordings, I think that they are as delicate as the slice of time they’ve captured. Talking to Chapman, I realised that her recordings and process is wonderfully free, by comparison to  so much work that I see today, while also for me, they also speak on a much deeper and subconscious level.

The beautiful transience of those moments in the day that you know will be impossible to remember is something that is so powerful, it’s refreshing to see it brought to life!

Her work will also be on show at the up and coming Bath Spa Degree Show, from Saturday 8th June to Saturday 15th June, so come along!

For More of Elly Chapman’s Work Click HERE